Dengan Tune-Up Utilities, kita dapat merawat dan meng-costumize sistem komputer kita (software) dengan mudah tanpa perlu menjadi seorang ahli terlebih dahulu. Terdapat fitur baru yaitu Turbo Mode, dimana dengan turbo mode ini komputer akan mendahulukan aplikasi yang kita jalankan sehingga lebih cepat muncul dan lebih smooth..
Tampilannya pun menarik, makin simple dan mudah bernavigasi.
Berikut overviewnya

Keep your PC in top shape: With only one click, you maintain your computer and provide more stability.

Get the maximum from your PC and experience top speed for your work and games.

As easy as pie: Solve Windows problems quickly, easily, and reliably or restore deleted files.

Give your Windows a new look: cool new boot screens, icons, and animations — free for downloading.

NEW! Turbo Mode
Disable unneeded processes and concentrate all the PC processing power on your active program!

Accelerate the startup and response times of your programs — for optimal PC performance!

Download Tune-Up Utilities 2010
Get maximum system maintenance
Download Serial TU2010
Code for full version
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