Tune - up Utilities merupakan program yang dibuat untuk meningkatkan performa dan kinerja komputer anda yang bersistem operasi Windows. Dengan Tune-Up, mampu memperbaiki error, registry, membuang file - file sampah, bahkan mengubah tampilan seperti gambar log-on, icon, dan visual style.
Fast, Effective Windows Optimization
* One-click overview of your PC performance
* Quick analysis of your PC’s hardware, operating system, and programs
* Real performance increases, real fast
* Easy-to-understand help functions
Intelligent Windows Optimization Built in for Every PC
* Intelligent recommendations for your unique PC optimization
* Identifies your personal settings and protects them
* Highlights your PC’s optimization potential, including unused programs and resource-draining settings
* Recommends options and explains performance results before taking any action
Safe Windows Optimization
* Provides you with safe and effective optimization results
* Corrects all mistakes created from previous tuning attempts
* Comprehensive and easy rollback ability for any changes made to your PC
Perfectly Designed for Your Windows Operating System
* Automatically detects and configures for your operating system
* Ideal for XP and Vista (32/64 bit) users
* Designed to leverage the unique features within each operating system
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