BitDefender Total Security 2012 Full Version

BitDefender telah merilis 3 produknya yang terbaru yaitu BD Antivirus, BD Internet Security, dan BD Total Security 2012. Sekarang aja masih 2011, hebatnya, lagi - lagi ini software meraih peringkat pertama kategori antivirus terbaik dunia. Apa saja yang baru?

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010

Kali ini, Microsoft telah merilis versi office terbarunya yaitu Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010. Pastinya banyak fitur dan fasilitas lain yang dipersembahkan.Bagi kamu - kamu yang ingin mencobanya, silahkan download.

Download Format Factory - Complete Converting Tools

Format factory merupakan media konversi multifungsi yang berfungsi untuk mengkonversi file audio dan video ke beberapa format file lainnya.

7-zip 9.20 best free compressing tools

7-Zip is open source software. Most of the source code is under the GNU LGPL license. The unRAR code is under a mixed license: GNU LGPL + unRAR restrictions.

Install Windows lewat USB / Flashdisk dengan WinToFlash

WinToFlash starts a wizard that will help pull over the contents of a windows installation CD or DVD and prep the USB drive to become a bootable replacement for the optical drive. It can alsow do this with your LiveCD.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 + Activator

Siapa yang tidak kenal aplikasi yang satu ini??menarikayanya ga mungkin deh kalo ga kenal,apalagi pengguna windows. karena sepertinya office ini sudah menjadi sesuatu yang wajib ada pada sistem operasi windows.

Kali ini, Microsoft telah merilis versi office terbarunya yaitu Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010. Pastinya banyak fitur dan fasilitas lain yang dipersembahkan.Bagi kamu - kamu yang ingin mencobanya, silahkan download dari iki77 karena dikasih gratis lho,,kalo beli sekitar 4-5jt an,,gigitjari

Kalo soal tampilan dan navigasinya hampir tidak jauh berbeda dengan versi 2007, malah cenderung lebih menarik tampilan office 2007,,tapi soal kecepatannya,office 2010 pemenangnya,sudah terasa pada saat start program,waktu tunggunya lebih cepat.cobain aj..:tralala:

O iaa, ini bukan Tecnical Preview lagi, tapi uda resmi,,:okay:

Gimana? tertarik, segera download, install, dan jalankan activatornya,,

Download Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 from indowebster
installer package

Download Office Activator
key management to activate product

Password :

Nero Multimedia Suite 10 + Serial

download nero 10 serialNero Multimedia Suite 10 excels your multimedia power with a collection of three products bundled into one powerful suite. It’s loaded with advanced video editing features, media organizer and player, superior burning software, reliable backup technology, and special multimedia tools to enhance your music, photos and videos.

for review, you can see here

Nero 10 kini telah hadir,menggantikan versi 9, kelebihan yang iki77 lihat adalah dari segi responsibiitasnya yang jauh lebh baik dari versi sebelumnya. Pada versi 10, waktu instalasi tidak memerlukan waktu hampir setengah jam untuk menginstall seluruh aplikasinya,selai itu, proses startup programnya pun jauh lebih cepat, dari segi tampilan dan navigasi tidak jauh berbeda dengan versi 9.

download nero 10 serial
Agar lebih cepat lagi dalam proses instalasi, sebaiknya pilih saja aplikasi yang dianggap perlu (customize), seperti:
Nero StartSmart,
Nero Burning ROM,
Nero Recode,
Nero Express,
Aplikasi lainnya terserah mau diinstall apa ngga,,:tralala:
Silahkan sedot dari link dibawah

Download Nero Multimedia Suite 10
Installer Package

Download Nero 10 Serial
Use this serial to activate full version

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended + Patch

Adobe Photoshop software redefines digital imaging with a strong focus on photography; breakthrough capabilities for superior image selections, image retouching, and realistic painting; and a wide range of workflow and performance enhancements.
Get precise results when making complex selections, remove any image element and see the space fill in almost magically, and create stunning photo-realistic or surreal HDR images.

Complex selections made easy

Select specific areas within an image in fewer clicks. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair; eliminate background color around selection edges; and automatically vary selection edges and perfect masks using new refinement tools.

Content-Aware Fill

Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never existed.

Superior HDR imaging

Create photo-realistic or surreal HDR images with unprecedented speed, control, and accuracy. Get better-than-ever results thanks to automatic ghost removal and greater control with tone mapping and adjustments, and even give single-exposure photos the look of HDR.

Extraordinary painting effects

Easily change a photograph into a painting or create unique artistic effects with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending, and Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush strokes.

Automatic lens correction new

Save time with automatic correction of lens distortions, chromatic aberration, and vignetting. Photoshop CS5 uses an image file's EXIF data to make precise adjustments based on the type of camera and lens you used.

Better media management enhanced

Easily manage media with more flexible batch renaming, and access your assets in the context of what you're working on by using the customizable Adobe Mini Bridge panel in Photoshop.

Streamlined creative reviews new

Use Adobe CS Review, part of new Adobe CS Live online services,* to initiate a more secure review without leaving Photoshop. Reviewers can add comments to your images from their browsers, and you see the comments appear automatically on your screen. CS Live services are complimentary for a limited time.

Easier UI management new

Use the collapsible Workspace Switcher to quickly navigate and choose among favorite UI configurations. Live workspaces automatically record your UI changes so panels will remain in place even if you switch away for a while.

Cara Install
- Pastikan file Photoshop_12_LS1.exe dan Photoshop_12_LS1.7z berada di folder yang sama
- Jalankan Photoshop_12_LS1.exe untuk mengekstrak file photoshop, misalkan didesktop
- Setelah beres, ntar didesktop ada folder photoshop cs5
- Nah, jalanin setup.exe yang ada dalam folder itu
- Pilih trial installation, install sampe akhir
- Jangan dijalanin dulu photoshop nya
- Setelah beres, jalanin activator yang udah didownload dari iki77
- klik gambar macannya sampe ada tulisan OK
- Enjoy,,,,menari

doaMaaf teman,disini iki77 g bisa kasih alamat downlnoad yang pasti, soalnya iki77 sendiri ngedownload dari situs resminya langsung. Caranya, kamu harus daftar dulu ke, setelah itu klik alamat downloadnya dibawah ini:

Download from Adobe

File 1 (Photoshop_12_LS1.7z)
Straight Download from Adobe --> (atau cobain ini, siapa tau langsung download)

File 2 (Photoshop_12_LS1.exe)
Download adobe extractor from ziddu --> (buat exctract file 7z diatas, atau bisa pake winzip)

Kelemahan dari situs resmi adalah filenya g akan bertahan lama,karena kalo ada produk baru,pasti diganti, makanya buruan!

Bagi yang punya akun rapidshare,ada alamat2nya dibawah
passwordnya : (kalo diminta)

Link dari softpedia

Tapi yang pasti adalah ini nih activatornya, supaya dapet full versi gratis,:luthuna:

Download Adobe Photoshop CS5 Activator
Activate to Volume Licensed